
a turning point?

so the question is - does consistency matter when it comes to espresso blends?
or, more accurately, how important is consistency in espresso blends?

i have to say that i feel like the perceived requirement for consistency has led to a vast array of vaguely similar lowest-common-denominator espresso blends that range from okay to boring.

i don't want "okay" and i don't want "familiar".
i want great.

as an analogy - i'll use the food thing again... there are people who eat at McDonalds when they travel because no matter where they go a Big Mac is a Big Mac. me... that sounds horrible. eating the exact same thing every day? experiencing the same taste time and time again? experiencing nothing new, nothing wonderful? i'd rather die. for me - i love going to new and random places when i travel. sure - sometimes i get food worse than what i'd get at McDonalds but sometimes i get to experience new, wonderful and/or strange things.

i wonder if it's all about fear. fear of the unknown, fear of change. i wonder if people are just willing to sacrifice the chance of greatness to avoid something bad.

maybe i'm weird - but i want newness and growth. i want to learn.

i want my espresso to be different - all the time.

and the thing is --- the reality of coffee is that it will be different, all the time. coffees change, become unavailable. they change month to month and lot to lot and crop to crop. trying to pretend otherwise is just silly.

to me, the goal of an espresso blend should be to taste good. if one month it tastes good in a rich and chocolatey way - that's great. and if the next month it's all berry and caramel - that's good too.

just say no to boring coffee.

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