
BGA Elections

i just got my ballot for the BGA elections. these are the first elections for the BGA ever. we'll be electing regional reps as well as board members. i'm really hoping that the BGA can become a real force in the industry and the community.

i knew that i was going to be a candidate for the Northwest regional rep. i feel a bit weird about it. i mean, not only did i just move to this region - this is probably the strongest region (when it comes to baristas and the coffee industry) in the US. there are so many people who could be great reps from this region. i mean, i'm confident that i can do a good job - and i'm flattered and honored - but i feel a bit unworthy compared to some of the luminaries and superstars in the PNW. when it comes right down to it, there are better baristas than me right here at Stumptown and there are people here who humble me with their coffee and espresso knowledge on a daily basis.

what i did not know was that i was going to be listed as a candidate on the board slate. i'm rather shocked actually. i mean - at a certain level i think i'd probably be better suited to a board seat than to being the PNW regional rep (given the strengths of this region) but it's still a total surprise. i guess i should be really honored - and i am. it's not really sunk in yet, to be honest. but... whoever nominated me -- thanks. i cannot see myself getting elected given some of the big name barista stars on the ballot, but you never know. and given that i complain a lot - this would give me a chance to try and make some of the changes i'd like to see.

i've been kept really busy by Duane and Jodi working on various things that i can while sitting down or lying down or at least not moving around much. it's making everything a lot better. i'm really grateful to them. i think i'd be going totally insane right now if i had nothing to do.

i really want to take the opportunity (now that i'm somewhat immobile) of learning more about coffee. as soon as my leg is in a cast i want to spend some more time learning about roasting if i can, and reading the new edition of the Illy book, and learning how to use a manual lever machine.... yeah, right. i'm sure the list of stuff Duane and Jodi have for me is mighty long. but if i have free time, i'm going to try and squeeze some self-improvement in there.
it's either that or follow Mike Squires' advice and start cruising up and down Mt Tabor in a racing wheelchair.

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